Month: April 2014

A quick weekend

Well, its the weekend before I go away for 6 weeks, and with so much to do its not funny what better time to waste an hour or two on the race car 🙂


Started off by putting some filler on the wheel arch flares.  A few hours later when that was dry, gave it a quick sand with the air sander, and used an old can of white spray paint to blend it in with the rest of the car, so that I could see if I was happy with the shape of them.

IMAG0249 IMAG0250 IMAG0251 IMAG0252 IMAG0253 IMAG0254

Pretty happy with the general shape, although they need a lot more finishing work before they are finished…


Then put a thin fibre glass layer over the top, to give some more strength to the shape (its just foam under there remember)



Also popped the mirror mount buck out of the mold.


And did a touch of welding and grinding on the subframe, so make it stronger but to also take as much weight off it that I can.



Removed all of the rubber bushes from it too.



There won’t be anything to report until the end of May, back then…..







The sculpture begins

Spent 5 minutes last night to start working out the basic shape of the flares.



A few bits need a touch more foam…




The first attempt is going to be a chunky square type profile.  We’ll see how that looks and will refine it from there.




Also put another layer of undercoat onto the mirror holders plug.  It needs some more sanding to remove the fine scratches, then it will be time to make the mold!image